Being Inefficient to be Effective... Save time here, kill two birds with one stone, two jobs at once, park in the best spot, don't waste time... Sound familiar? Well, simply put, FORGET about those pieces of 'advice'. Sure we live in a best paced world, but this world is also one of heart disease, expanding waistlines, diabetes and obesity. We are constantly told to MOVE MORE! Yes, we all agree, but how do we do it in this fast paced world in which we call home? We drive everywhere, park in front of the TV all evening and fast food is so dangerously, well, fast... Yes we are all gym members, but do you actually go... really... thought not! Never fear, Health , Fitness , Motivation are here to help. One of our mantras is.. Be Inefficient to be Effective... We appreciate that this flies in the face of modern living, but making small changes to your daily routine can and will produce MASSIVE effects! The point is, how do we actually MOVE MORE when...