The Top Five Superfoods...
Tea, ginger, salmon... all claim to be superfoods, and I'll be honest, before I wrote this post, I knew superfoods were obviously good for you, but I just didn't know exactly what they were! I am so glad I took the time to research them... I have fitted them into my diet and I feel great as a result!
Simply put there is not one official definition of a 'superfood', but we say that they are anything that contain high levels of nutrients and have health benefits far beyond 'common foods'.
5. Tea
... four cups of tea per day will keep your heart healthy...
4. Ginger
The medical benefits of ginger are well known. It can help to prevent bowel cancer and.... shhh... whisper it, can take away hangover sickness... result!
3. Blueberries
Not only do these guys taste absolutely delicious, they are off the scale for your health as well. Packed with flavonoids and proanthocyandins, they can help our memory and aid our cognition. They can also help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. I have combined blueberries with superfood number 2 to create my perfect breakfast!
2. Oats
...they taste AMAZING, especially on those winter mornings...
I'll be honest, I did NOT like the look of oats mixed with blueberries, but thank god my wife made me try them. I am running further, I am no longer chained to my mid morning sugar fix plus I feel great! Oats have a low glycaemic index, which mean they are the perfect way to kick start your busy day. Not only that, they are heart healthy and reduce cholesterol. The best thing for me though, is that they taste amazing, especially on those freezing winter mornings!
1. Salmon
We simply do not eat enough fish. Two portions of salmon per week can help to reduce heart risks and lessen inflammation in the body. What is not to like?! Due to its high levels of vitamin D, it can even improve our mood. I'm ordering mine as we speak!
Yes it can be a wrench on our pockets and routines, but I was an objector too once. Then something changed and I tried them. I have never looked back... join in... you won't regret it.
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