Be Inefficient to be Effective
Being Inefficient to be Effective...
Save time here, kill two birds with one stone, two jobs at once, park in the best spot, don't waste time...
Sound familiar?
Well, simply put, FORGET about those pieces of 'advice'. Sure we live in a best paced world, but this world is also one of heart disease, expanding waistlines, diabetes and obesity. We are constantly told to MOVE MORE! Yes, we all agree, but how do we do it in this fast paced world in which we call home? We drive everywhere, park in front of the TV all evening and fast food is so dangerously, well, fast... Yes we are all gym members, but do you actually go... really... thought not!
Never fear, Health, Fitness, Motivation are here to help. One of our mantras is.. Be Inefficient to be Effective... We appreciate that this flies in the face of modern living, but making small changes to your daily routine can and will produce MASSIVE effects! The point is, how do we actually MOVE MORE when we live in such a pressurized world where time is of the essence? The answer is simple. The answer is be more INefficient.
Think about your daily routine... do you drive to work? Yes, well maybe if you work within a mile radius of your home, begin to walk to work- not everyday- you need to ease these changes in- a couple of times per week and increase as needs be. Remember though- take an umbrella- we cannot always rely on the British weather!
When you arrive at the office, do you take the stairs or the lift? The lift of course! Well hang on... taking the stairs counts for more steps and a nice little aerobic exercise to boot. Plus you can smugly laud it over your workmates knowing you haven't taken the easy way out!
Let's think about your lunch hour. What do you do exactly? Chat inanely about your weekend in that smelly staff-room? Remember that umbrella you brought to work? Well grab it by the handle, run down those stairs and take a 20-30 minute brisk walk instead of wasting your time idling the day away! A walk of about 20 minutes equates to approximately 1 to 1 and half miles or 3000 steps. The American Heart Association recommend us to hit 10,000 steps per day to stay healthy, well that would be almost a third of that requirement conquered!
Now let's say you go to the supermarket on the way home. You wrestle for the nearest space right? Wrong. That's what the old you would do. The new, energized you eases perfectly into the furthest space away, then walks purposefully to the entrance. You feel the inches practically fall away in the process.
Now you're in your snug, luscious home, relaxing in front of the TV, basking in the glory of your increased step level for the day. You need a comfort break. You go for the downstairs bathroom right? That's right, now you're on our wavelength... you ALWAYS choose the upstairs! You should aims to climb at least 10 floors per day.
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